What is the historical length of time to completion by type of credential?

Time commitment will be based on your desired outcome. Be aware that many colleges and universities operate on semesters. Yet some institutions operate on a quarter or trimester system.
Associate's Degree
A typical associate degree is 60 semester credit hours or 90 quarter credit hours, so taking 15 credits per semester or quarter will allow for completion in two years.
Bachelor's Degree
Most bachelor degrees are 120 semester credit hours, so taking 15 credits per semester will allow for completion in four years.
Certificates, Badges and Micro-credentials
What is the length and will small chunks of learning “count” and can they “stack” toward a degree?
Ask a prospective institution about whether and how these learning experiences are treated and might count toward your degree.
Check out the Glossary for terms about certificates, embedded certifications, and micro-credentials.