When considering where to go and what to study at college, the college and program accreditation can affect your career and future opportunities. You should consider accredited institutions. Accrediting agencies verify that an academic program offers a quality education, so that you are prepared for your career. There are two kinds of accreditation:
Institutional accreditation means the college or university meets broad organizational quality standards. Institutional accreditation alone will often not be adequate to ensure that you can get a job after you graduate.
Specialized or professional (also called programmatic) accreditation means an academic program at the college or university meets quality educational standards for that profession. For some programs, more than one programmatic accreditation is available, i.e. Business. Be certain the institution is transparent about the type of accreditation available.
Make sure the college specifies whether it has institutional or programmatic accreditation, or both, then you can then go to the accreditors websites to verify this information.
More About Accreditation